Mobile Applications for Guests
Mobile Management System
Online Rezervation
PAY TV Integration
Personnel Attendance Control System
Pos System
Sales and Marketing Monitoring
Technical Service Management
Call Center & Sales CRM Integration
Call Management System
Channel Manager
Crm + Kiosk System
ETS Accounting Management System
ETS Personnel and Payroll System
ETS Procurement Method
Front Office Management
Health, Sports and SPA Management
HR Performance Management
ID and Passport Reading Software
Integration of Guest Comment Websites
Inventory and Cost Analysis Program
Inventory and Depriciation Monitoring
iSafe Internet Security and Logging
Loyalty Management
Call Center & Sales CRM Integration
Elektra esnek yapısı sayesinde oteller tarafından yaygın kullanılan 3. parti sistemlerle entegre çalışır.
- Kapı Kilit : Hafele, Kale, Akad, Inhova, Makfa, Salto, Tesa, Ving, Brasco, ETS
- Santral: Karel, Alcatel, Nec, Telesis, Siemens, Samsung, Miwa, Mitel, Meridyen
- Enerji: Sistem içinde kullanılan klimalar ve aydınlatma sistemleri ile entegre çalışır
- IP TV: Vestel, Arçelik- Acente: Sejour
- Pay TV: Playroom, Alcod
- Acente: Sejour
- Turnike: Sistem içinde kullanılan kart okuyucular ile entegre çalışır